Tuesday, October 9, 2007
It's only an ad! but I like it...
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sicko? no thanks!
For an European, the so-called socialist health care system – the term used by Republicans and extra-liberalists to blow upon State run health system – is a fundamental mainstay for State guarantee a sustainable system and equality among citizens, and it’s not a kind of legacy with an ideology of the past. It means every citizen – also illegal immigrants – has the right to be ill and be cured – we’re talking about rights and not business. But it’s a topic many Americans probably do not understand. On one side we have business – which is necessary and – oh yes! – it’s ok for everyone – who wants to be poor? On the other we have such abstract term-not-ideology which is right. Rights cannot be bought, cannot be swapped, they must be given by the Nation you live in – besides some rights are more righteous than others –i.e. more necessary: freedom of speech, vote, education, health. They are not hierarchical – but sometimes the latter most come first: you can refuse to vote, you can stay silent, but if you life is in danger – threatened by diseases - doesn’t matter you can't express your ideas. You must be cured.
As well as for many Americans public (socialist?) health care system sound astonishing, many Europeans strike with terror when they figure a country with insurance based health system – based on economic differences, on privileges.
In Italy, health care system ranks 2nd, according to a UN worldwide survey. Italy is not a socialist country – that’s for sure – funny our socialist legacy - the Resistance Movement - helped Americans free Italy at the end of World War II. We have so many problems. Ask any Italian what he thinks about State run health system. He may say: “some hospitals are loathsome, filthy…” or “you must wait too much for a physical” or other stuffs. That’s ok, but ask them what they think about insurance based health care system…no way, at least we love our ramshackle, rickety hospitals, our queues…for public health works and it’s the same for rich and poor…except for the former to travel overseas and get cure in American hospitals!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
La dolce vita has gone

Ciao ciao
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Today what a silly day!
Besides, I consider my self as feminist as leftist: is something I’m emotionally involved in. Is something I can’t bear anymore, for all the disillusions and disappointments I’ve faced. Being a woman in a Catholic country maybe is even tougher. My work is to write on a international website. But at the end of the day, I feel like an exploited poor working bee. My time, my creativity wasted. I’m a woman and I can’t stand being treated like a silly chick. I want more. I want to be respected and it’s driving me mad. Women have been fighting for years. I’m fighting. I’m fighting my own private battle against all my fears, against this soft discrimination. I can work, I can go out at night. I’ve studied. I’m independent. But what for? My male mates earn more than me. Hold more power than me. And my voice is never completely heard.
I’m proud being woman. Probably, this creeping discrimination is leading me to a wider comprehension of social dynamics and gender relationships. To a wider overview of life here on earth. Maybe to a deeper insight. Don’t know. But I had to write down what I’m feeling today. Or just trying to shape my indignation.
I'm sorry for being so aggessive...
Ciao Ciao
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
That’s fashion – one may say
Probably, according to D&G, Spain is becoming a Medieval Country, with no freedom of expression, where women dress like post-modern Queen Elisabeth Tudor (even her hands covered by gloves), but nobody ever told us. Things are a bit different and more complicated. The message expressed through the advertising is quite violent. There’s a man who – probably – aims to rape a woman under other people’s eyes…maybe this description is a bit brutal, but that’s what I saw…moreover, I’d like to say fashion is nothing but fashion, it’s art, glamour and nothing else. But it’s more complicated. Our society – it’s plain to see – depends on communication. The so called information era. I know which dress to buy, which smartphone. Which book to read, movie to see. I know this kind of society allows me to express my ideas. As well as I know D&G are teasers - some of their clothes are innovative and in early nineties they reached success designing costumes for Madonna’s Girlie Show. But there are responsibilities that cannot be dismissed. It’s more than a simple matter of good taste. It’s about a social violence that isn’t worth to be displayed over enormous placards. That’s all.
Ciao Ciao